bc spd isn't in the dsm....it isn't covered by my current insurance. label it what you like....but my kid needs help. he isn't just a little sensitive.....he is extremely sensitive. it does effect his daily life. when a kid licks cats and car tail pipes, eats a book of stamps, toe walks, is constantly hurt bc he is constantly falling, can't handle loud noises (like hides under a chair with his ears covered and rocks bc a crying baby entered the office), walks late, potty trains late, throws up when they eat soft foods, has to wear sound reducing ear phones to the movies, wakes up multiple times per night (still at 4.5) because they are itchy/hurting/bugged, is paralyzed by change, or scratch themselves until they bleed when mad/sad/frustrated.....but at the same time are teaching themselves to read/add/subtract as a preschooler.....it is a problem. yesterday he both woke up 4 times in the middle of the night screaming bc he was itchy or hurting.....and figured out how to multiply.

oddly enough....he also:

has a floppy body
w sits
grasps objects tightly/incorrectly
struggles to open a door knob
falls often
crawled late
is clumsy

in fact....his body is so loose and floppy that we can not get any services for his toe walking even. the orthopedic surgeon said he was one of the loosest kids she had ever met....and that he would be much appreciated in gymnastics so i ought to sign him up. i did.....but it was so loud in there to him that he spent almost the entire hour making "carpet angels" on the floor in an attempt to soothe himself.

as his mother...i'd like to see spd make it into the dsm just so maybe he can get some treatment. i can only do so much for him, i need some help!