Originally Posted by CalvinsDad
He didn't see the problem with reading because he still understood what she was saying. Yikes!!! He is happy with A's & B's and is not interested in accelerating or grade skipping. He is certainly capable but prefers to cruise.

That was me at 11! I made sure to ask interesting questions about whatever the teacher was talking about - it made them generally not mind so much that I was reading in the back of the room. I was offered a grade skip from 2nd to 4th, turned it down, and happily underachieved until about 7th. I think the time I knocked my 3.5-years-younger sister's tooth out was about 11, too. I was not a very promising looking kid!

Originally Posted by CalvinsDad
We are hoping to help him with intrinsic motivation.

It kicked in for me at 13 or so - 7th grade, or maybe 8th. (Definitely not 6th - I nearly failed math that year.) I wish I could tell you what triggered it, but I have no clue.