Originally Posted by zhian
If I were you, I'd skip the parenting books and go read Locke and Jefferson - it's all about "just powers derived from the consent of the governed".
Jefferson has been quoted as saying this political consent to government does not apply to infants to the age of decision, women, or slaves.
In raising his own daughters he was clearly a hothouser in the extreme-scheduling finishing lessons that lasted all day for his daughters in both French and music while forbidding the reading of novels or study of unapproved topics. �
I get what you're saying though. �You didn't mean I should literally study their parenting techniques (especially since back then men weren't the primary parents, especially for small children.). �
Besides agreeing with you that children deserve respect and are people too, I also agree that the discipline theories get put to the test years sooner and much more thoroughly with gifted children.
Since you're quoting the declaration of independence text you're obviously encouraging us to treat children like fellow American Citizens. �Which I am happy to do. �I want him to learn about his citizenship. �But ironically part of that is property rights and then it would matter who owns the house. �But we're talking about disciplining children, especially in cases where their behavior is disrupting their pursuit of happiness as in ODD, ADD, and other behavior disorders, then teaching prosocial behavior trumps cultivating altruistic behaviors both in urgency of need, and can be more readily observed.
Yes, respect has to be a key factor-both ways. �

I'm considering "skill-streaming for elementary school", which looks like a lot of discussion and role-playing for pro-social behavior. �I'm also considering The Nurtured Heart, which looks similar to the "total transformation system" my husband wanted from a radio ad, but from a fraction of the cost- $25 vs. $300, both look like a similar technique. �Both look like they say the same darn thing I've been telling him- Quit arguing with a two year old! �If he has to do something make him do it, if not let him be. � You don't have to go to every argument you're invited to.
I'm intrigued with this token economy system. �Guess I'd have to buy the workbook to flesh out the details. �I'm gonna google first see if I can find a free outline that works for me. �Oh, here's the link to the other book I'm considering, but I would buy it used from Amazon, not from here. http://www.researchpress.com/scripts/details.asp?item=4950&detail_id=116&detail_item=

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar