Thanks Dottie for the scores! How does the new scoring differ?

Kriston, the whole idea of keeping DS at home makes me ill, partly because he has a very tough temperament and I have a two-year-old daughter, too. Though I suppose she'll be going to nursery school soon. Maybe if he has a hard time this year, too . . . I might consider partial homeschooling to maintain the social aspects of school.

I had a meeting with the school after DS's neuropsych assessment last year. They were much more interested in accommodating his weaknesses (executive function, attentional issues) than in addressing his boredom. They did agree to the extra math worksheets, but that was it. It is honestly hard to do more, since he only reads at grade level or slightly above, so he would require individual instruction, which nobody has the time for. Shoot, they just laid off a couple teachers and the school librarian. How can they spend extra resources on DS?

How do you make homeschooling work?