Perhaps this is premature to ask, but DS7 just had the Woodcock Johnson achievement test--or enough of it to calculate the broad math score. The tester was scoring as she went along in grade equivalents. For computation, he was grade 3.8, for applied math, grade 5, and for math fluency, 2.5. We already know from his WISC-IV that he has low processing speed and the tester for the Woodcock Johnson noted that his math fluency score was affected by his urge to correct his wrong answers by scribbling them completely out and drawing arrows to the correct ones. I have a few questions about this. 1. Shall I bother submitting this score to DYS? The tester hasn't calculated the broad math score but I'm sure it's not 99.9th percentile with that fluency score. 2. Does anyone know if there's a way of differentiating slow processing speed from pathological perfectionism? 3. How in the world do I educate my son? I was hoping the DYS would help me with this, but I'm not sure he'll get in with this kind of result. We applied a few months ago and they wanted more information but this is again straddling the fence. We have a tutor but she skips all over the place trying to figure out what he does and doesn't know and what level to teach him at. Help!