You're talking about kids being upset about Sirius and Dumbledore?? I had to re-read those sections 10 times each to convince myself it was really true. No way they could be dead boo hoo hooooooooo.
More about Santa, etc: DS questioned the logic of Santa and Easter Bunny before he started school. Once everyone in school was talking about it, he seemed to accept it more. 1st grade was also when he came home talking about God (we are atheists and had described it as a myth) and told me we would go to "the bad place" if we didn't start believing! So I started taking him for religious education for him to learn his own way instead of having kids at school telling him what to believe. It's amazing to see a young kid come up with his own beliefs instead of just going along with what his family believes. I was raised a certain way and didn't question it until I was much older. Another interesting aspect of giftedness that I love!
