Personally, I was only commenting on what has worked for our family in the past. My kids have only had very mild intertest in their actual IQ scores, and then only right after admittance into the GT program. If any of my children come to me with a sincere desire to know, and present their request with sufficient maturity, we'll talk. I'm grateful for the insights on this thread,

I suspect that's probably the case for most kids. Some curiosity about it when it comes up in their world seems only natural. But more than a score, a number, I think what they're asking for when they ask is "What does this mean? What does this teach me about myself? About how I fit into my world?"
I think it's entirely possible to answer those questions in ways that are helpful to the child without talking numbers, certainly at least while they're younger than teens.
BTW, I think personality might play a part in things, too. If I had a highly competitive kid, I think I'd be less likely to share the number out of fear that he might use it as a weapon with other kids. That sort of thing is really detrimental to all involved, especially the kid with the IQ score! Part of the maturity issue would be the ability to exercise discretion even when pushed by other kids.