This thread makes me think of a story about my D. When she was 3, we had her tested and she had an astronomically high score on the Stanford-Binet. The tester, a local university professor & psychologist who specialized in gifted/talented kids wrote this glowing report, envisioning a future for this child of college at an early age, etc. Kind of freaked us out

D's school experience did not always bear out these predictions for a variety of reason (asynchrony among them!). But she has done very well in some areas, and last year had a top 3 finish in a category for the Midwest Academic Talent Search (MATS). One result of that is that she was invited to our state's ceremony for MATS, and got some special recognition. Lo and behold, who should be on stage doing the recognition but this woman who had done the testing. D, of course, did not know who she was. We had not let D read the report at that time (I think it actually would have been a bad idea at an early age, as parts of it have NOT come true). D was not sitting with us, so I couldn't even give her a heads up.
So this woman beams at D on stage, and holds her up there, talking quietly to her for a few minutes. D comes back looking very puzzled... how did this woman know her? What was she talking about, saying she had known all along that D would accomplish great things? Um... D was a bit annoyed with us, as she does not like surprises, but got over it. D said it was sort of like being tapped for Hogwarts to get this unexpected recognition from this apparently important person. As I have mentioned in earlier reports, we did let her read the reports the next year. By then she was able to roll her eyes at how over the top some of the predictions were.