You're not alone!!! First of all, know that....our dd has had some "episodes" that have seemed somewhat strange to me, but really everyone is wired differently. So unless it's interfering with everyday life, use it as a teaching moment.
My dd had a "puncture" on her knee at school two years ago. She had a growth that got torn off at recess that wouldn't stop bleeding. I got called to the school and took her to the Dr. to fix it. It had to be cauterized, but every once in a while she'll still talk about her "puncture" and how it bled and bled. I just reassure her that all is well, it's taken care of and will probably never happen again. Some kids are just more anxious.
It's o.k......if it interferes with everyday life, time to get some help.
I find that if I overreact (who, me?)

then she will too. Not easy since my first reaction is usually to freak out!!!
As for the bad dreams, my best friend told me about "dream catchers". They are a native Indian idea that "catches the bad dreams and takes them away". If you Google it you'll find out more. I made one for dd. Does it work? Don't know, but she has one over her bed and hasn't complained about bad dreams since we put it up.
Good luck and let us know what works for you. Everyone here is so helpful and we do "get" the different child. They aren't all the same, and thank goodness for that because what a boring world this would be if they were, right?