Originally Posted by cricket3
Belle, I was thinking about your DSs experience with the plaster of paris. Was it one of those plasters that becomes warm when it's mixed? It's possible that the sudden warming effect could have contributed to his episode of syncope, though I imagine you will never know for sure. Maybe you could relate to him some of the other stories from this thread, to help him understand that he is not alone and unusual (at least in this population.) I think I will have my DD read through this, too.

Plaster of Paris is one that gets hot. I have made many hand molds with it but pouring it in a box to the half way point and letting it dry to then come back with Vaseline and finish it off with the next round of plaster. It gets very hot and if you don't Vaseline your hand you can end up with burns. Not sure how hot it becomes with the gauze technique but have to believe it had warmth and might be why he reacted the way he did.

I wish I had advice for you Belle, but am glad you have at least come to realize you are not alone and others have sensitive kids. I'm not sure how sensitive my DD is at this point. She definitely obsesses over things that trouble her. My lovely sister thought it would be fun to explain spiders to her a few months ago. DD has know about spiders and never really was that bothered by them until the day I left her in the car with my sister while I ran into a store. When I came out, I opened DD's door to give her something and was meet with screams and full blown crying where her little body was shaking. I asked what was wrong and my sister informed me that she was explaining to DD about a spider that was on the car next to them and how it was a jumping spider. Knowing my sister I know she went into a full blown detail with anatomy and specific traits of that type of spider. The problem with this particular spider is it was quite big and right out side DD's door ... it freaked me out when I finally turned around and looked at it, but of course I didn't show DD my fears. But no amount of consoling would work for her ... she was really scared and since that day back in early May, she is terrified of spiders. Freaks out when she sees one and won't go near the cars if she sees a spider web. I don't think the fact that she fears spiders is really that abnormal for 3 and 4 year olds ... it is the intensity of the fear that makes it beyond normal.