Originally Posted by Edwin
Thanks again Grinity, it is hard to make that seperation for me sometimes.

It's hard for me to - especially because we are the best 'first order approximation' we have to who our child is - so lots of the time it works. It is just that sometimes we need a 'second order approximation' which is why we post here! Yippee!

It sounds like you are saying that the course is almost over, and that your son has gotten a lot out of it. We used a lot of bribery over the years - there are a lot of good things to say about bribery, mostly that is keep communication very very clean and clear. It's a 'nonverbal' way to communicate "I value THIS" "I expect THIS" "I believe that THIS amount of challenge is the just right size for you." Of course, there are downsides too. As my DS13 got to be about age 12 is stopped working and I had to move on to other approaches.

Sounds like things are working out really well.

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