Im glad your son got the night off. I would still contact the teacher. Surely a short phone call would give you some inside informatio and perhaps some compromise could be reached. It is going to be a bit challenging to seperate you empathy from your sons actual specific experience. Thats always hard for me. Our empathy is our strength and yet its a bit too easy to think....I hated writing so he'll hate writing. Perhaps start a thread about writing frustration or talk to your Dw for alternative perspectives.
I would strongly encourage you to look at your original objectives and decide which ones are the most important and which ones could be tabled. In this situation where the abstract content of writing is being strongly taught I would encourage you to table handwriting. Of ther programs such as Handwriting without tears are better ways to drill fine motor. Peronsally I think that the handwriting is moreof a situation where one trains and trains and on day it just happens more like learning a Tennis serve. I am sure that there are other ways to adjust the fit as well. It hard having to taylor every bit of clothing we buy for them.
love and more love