Thanks again Grinity, it is hard to make that seperation for me sometimes. He enjoys the poems and the reading part. We spoke with her shortly on Friday. She gave everyone an extension of time over the 3 day weekend. He also only has 4 more days, with the 4th being a water party. We are helping him this weekend on completing the old task of 6 pages, and the new story for next week. Shorter with more detail 3 pages. I actually went through all of his work, and her comments have been helpful on writing. This is not a grammer, spelling or even penmanship course, it is more plot, setting and charecter development, with aspects of flow. We may just have him keybord the story himself, instead of writing it. Also its not handwriting just printing. I may also use bribary, I know that takes away from intrensic value, but it does work. Thank you again.


Last edited by Edwin; 07/03/10 11:09 AM.