Hey, everyone!
I was reading "The Art of Speedreading People", and I actually forgot to read a portion of it. Anyway, when I re-read it, it said (in paraphrase) that "Introverts can, at times, dominate the conversations if they are interested in something, and may be oblivious at when to change the subject, which makes them
socially awkward.". This made me think, "Huh...this sounds like why people labled me with Asperger's..." and since some gifted people can be introverted (not all, but some), it gave me some relief as to the fact that I might not have an ASD after all. It still makes me try to diagnose myself, though...
This was a neat thing of information that I found, and if someone tries to lable your child with Asperger's and you just don't see it, just take some comfort in what may just be his personality/giftedness kicking in.