gosh, thanks everyone for responding. It feels so good to come some place where I feel we are a little less weird LOL

My Dh is not gifted, though his brother is. They do not speak to one another any more. He says that we both (my DD4 and I) talk too much, feel too much, think too much, etc. He does better with our two year old, but not that much better. She is more like I am, but even as a child,I wasn't as loud and forceful. It is like I had steroids while she was in the womb (and I was so careful of what I ate and was exposed to)yet is also super girlish. The conflict with my DH is he responds to her and argues with her as if she were a forty year old guy. He responds to the "gorilla" part in her but forget the 38 inch tall blonde preschooler's emotions and understanding.

I do not have any living family and his family is of limited help. I know what I really need to do is work out time for myself and for the girls to have outside input.