Twinkle Toes

Your DD sounds a lot like my DD7 except my DD does not test gifted. She is a very talented artist however and all the things you mentioned and then some

- outgoing, talkative
- likes to be helpful, is compassionate and funny
- bossy, likes to teach or in less nice terms be dominant
- very adept at reading social cues but can often use this to manipulate (more obvious to me)
- Kids like her but I think she wears them out if they are not also high energy intense kids
- Often fails to respect what I consider normal boundaries e.g. will often look into the refrigerator at someone else's house to see what they have to drink (I have managed to explain and have her stop this) All my other kids would have felt what I think is a natural respect or at least hesitancy to invade or touch other people's property/space.

When she is in her good space she is amazing and wonderful but when she is in a bad mood...LOOK OUT!

What is it like when your DD does not get her way or is in a situation where she is bored or unhappy? This is when I see my DD's traits get ugly. All that intensity etc. is not pretty when it turn negative.

Like you I often wonder if she has something going on that I am not able to put my finger on. I have ruled out ADHD. She is actually in therapy because I want to make sure I am not missing anything. So far I have no answers. DD does love to go though so we will continue.

What set of behaviors make you the most uncomfortable? What do you think is the underlying factors between your DH and DD that cause friction?