DS6 was just tested in WISC and WJ-III. He did better than I expected, but the most interesting thing we realized has to do with the LD that--as many of you may remember--I've been sensing but have not really been able to make sense of. Up to now, his symptoms have been vague, easy to dismiss as normal for some kids, and hard even to explain to someone.

Well, thank goodness for testing!

We realized that if he is given a math problem on paper and he reads it silently, he gets it wrong most of the time. If he reads the same problem aloud and works it aloud, he gets it right, even with complex, long problems. (Note that *he* does the reading both times, once silently and once aloud. He's not read to, so I'm pretty sure it's not what I would think of as classic dyslexia, where he can't read the numbers or mixes them up.)

Given that he talks *constantly*, we're now thinking that he is not just a chatty extrovert, as we believed his constant talk indicated. It appears that he *MUST* process aloud. That's a real symptom we can sink our teeth into! (I hope...)

Our psych is consulting with a neuropsych and others in her field and will hopefully have more to tell me when I go in for the report later in the summer. In the meantime, I thought I'd ask if anyone here might have a theory about what this is. It sounds like a processing disorder of some sort to me, but that's as far as I can guess, and I freely admit that I could be wrong.

Thoughts? Ideas? Any help?

Thanks, friends!
