Originally Posted by spiritedmama
Hi all,

I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this. My dd7 (who tested very high on VS IQ subtests) will still only read books that have pictures in them. She reads multiple years ahead of her age peerss. However, I cannot get her into reading chapter books on her own.
HI Spiritedmama -
have you tried to see what she does with NonFiction? There are some lovely 'coffee table' books with advanced topics and fabulous pictures. I hate to say it, but some highly gifted kids never really come to enjoy fiction.

My son, does read fiction from time to time, but doesn't devour it they way I did as a child. He would much rather I give a 5 mintue verbal synopsis than read a book that he doesn't just love. And he remembers what I tell him for years and years, because sometimes I ask him if he's read a particular book, and he word-for-word's my summary,(that I've forgotten) leading me to think that he has read it - until he says "No, I never read that one - you told me about it."

Our favorite 'grown up' picture books were the Dinotopia Series, and any of DK's single subject encyclopedias - particularly the one about mythology.


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