I'm really late to taking notice of this thread but am thrilled to have discovered it!

My DD, almost 8, is so difficult to please with reading materials. I do suspect she is a visual spatial learner and this thread really ties together the kind of reader she is with the VS aspect of her learning style.

It is very hard for me to find things DD likes to read. When we go to the library, I pass her endless books...How about this one? She opens and closes it with a "Nope". I haven't been able to reconcile in my mind why she rejects books so quickly until now. I also have been puzzled as to how she even has the reading level she has given how little reading she has done. I see other identified GT kids who have been devouring every little bit of written print they have gotten their hands since age 4 or younger yet I have a child, also identified as GT, who is so different.

Things she has liked...

Magic Treehouse books, so much to the point where I felt the need to tell her she couldn't reread these anymore. Her teacher was also lightheartedly encouraging her to "leave Jack and Annie behind" because her reading level is so much higher than those books.

Non-fiction: I always thought this had something to do with laziness or not really liking to read. You know, she could read the 3 pages in the mammal book about lions and be done, unlike jumping into a chapter book that may require to read 15-20 pages.

My Father's Dragon trilogy: Fairly short books

The cartoon/funnies from the Sunday newspaper: Very short

***But within the past week, I have had a "lightbulb moment" and this thread supports it. IT IS THE PICTURES!

My lightbulb moment came with the Bone series, graphic novels. She asked me to buy her one at the school bookfair in May. I said "no" because it reminded me of video games(LOL, don't ask me why). She is very drawn into video games. OK, she is obsessed with video games and I have to watch her closely or she will play them way too much. wink

So, the Bone books came up again when she spotted one at the library this past week. After she had rejected everything else I tried to pass off on her, I let her check out the first three books because I'm desperate. wink She polished those off in two days! I could hardly pry her off the couch for meals.

Now I am on the hunt for more graphic novels. I really hope that after indulging her for a while with these, she will be turned on to other things. smile

Last edited by YGCDMOM; 06/28/10 04:50 AM.