The OT is supposed to help with energy and emotional regulation. But we had a similar OT experience at age 5...the OT declared we were done. Now, at age 7, we are back in OT. I'm not sure what the deal is with OT as opposed to S/L therapy which can keep going and going forever. The first OT utilized the program "How does your Engine Run?" which specifically addresses emotional self-regulation. It did seem to work until fairly recently when the new OT we found said DS needed an upgrade to strategies for a 7 year old instead of relying on the strategies appropriate for a 5 year old. So are we in for a life-time of OT??? I don't know. This is private OT, by the way...he has OT and speech during school hours which are of extremely minimal benefit.

As for your daughter being on HIGH all the time, that is my son also. The OT didn't address that energy level (innate??) but did address getting him to focus when talking to others or when others talk to him. He vibrates when he has to sit or stand to listen...he would much prefer to pace or bounce when talking or listening. We have had him assessed for ADHD, too...but he doesn't come close, say the experts. Nan