Hi Mamabird,
Welcome back!

If you haven't read this book you might enjoy it.

Different Minds: Gifted Children with AD/HD, Asperger Syndrome and Other Learning Deficits
by Deirdre L. Lovecky, Ph.D.

ISBN: 1-85302-964-5


To order, please visit the GDC Store!

Different Minds explores the dual exceptionality of giftedness and learning differences, specifically AD/HD and Asperger Syndrome. Using case studies to illustrate emotional, intellectual, social, creative and moral development, this book focuses on the ways gifted children with a dual exceptionality are both alike and different from other gifted children.

Each chapter explores a topic relate to development, explaining the challenges wrought by having a dual exceptionality and offering helpful suggestions on what to do. Chapters on diagnosis and assessment makes this book helpful not only to parents and teachers,
but also to professionals.

I am curious about if a Developmental Pediatrician was part of the team that 'diagnosed' your son. I think that the activities they are offering are 'all good' but I would leave a corner of my mind open to the idea that the diagnosis is perhaps not quite accurate until diagnosed by a professional that is really well versed in AS and Giftedness. Particularly if you are dealing with one of the unusual LOGs (levels of giftedness.)

For more on this idea, see:

Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnoses of Gifted Children and Adults [QUALITY PAPERBACK]
ADHD, Bipolar, OCD, Asperger's, Depression, and Other Disorders (308 pages.)


Price: $24.95
Triple Award-Winner! Unnecessary medications are being given to gifted children. This book is your guide to help prevent this. Our brightest, most creative children and adults are often being misdiagnosed with behavioral and emotional ...

My son benefited greatly from OT for Sensory Issues, but I do believe that the issues was gifted OverExcitabilities. Of course we will never know.

Love and More Love,

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