Thanks for starting the thread Blob. I will be curious on what data you collect.

I know my aunt is ambidextrous and can write with both hands but is truly left handed. I suspect that the era she grew up in is partly why she is able to write with both since they pushed for children to write right handed back then. I remember my grandmother saying that she never forced her to use her right hand and was glad she didn't when information came out about damage it does when children are forced to use their right hands but I still wonder if maybe while in school my aunt was pushed.

As for my daughter, she is left handed and from a very early age favored her left hand but now she is solidly left handed when she writes. When she eats she uses both hands, but leans more towards her left hand. I have caught myself on occasion reminding her to use her left hand but know it really is up to her and what is comfortable.

As for throwing and kicking she predominately uses her right side.

Now for the slowing them down in fine motor skills ... we haven't experiences this. DD has been writing letters since before she turned one and drawing about the same time too. We noticed early on that her fine motor skills were very advanced for her age. But again ... not 100% sure DD is ambidextrous. Right now I will say she leans that way.