This discussion arose from another thread and I was wondering if it has any relevance among yourselves and your children.
DS7 is ambidextrous. I never thought it had much significance, except perhaps in slowing down the development of his fine motor skills. He started writing late at close to 5yo. Initially, he could write with both hands, but he gradually settled on the right. He eats with his left hand though, and when on the scooter, his dominant side is the left (pushes off on the right). We know he's ambidextrous also because it runs in the family.
In the last 12 months, we met with another 2 kids who are at the extreme end of the gifted spectrum (one is tested to be PG, the other is a strong candidate). Both are ambidextrous. I know one other child who is E/PG and not ambidextrous.
The coincidence is remarkable, but given that the sample size is tiny, I wonder about the broader incidence. Are any of you or your children ambidextrous? The other commonality is that, perhaps because of the ambidexterity, writing skills have been slow to develop (true in the three cases I know). This could be bogus science, but I'm really curious.