Don't pressure her. For gifties, the charts don't matter. She may go from three words to full sentences in one week. I worried about my daughter's stuttering and the best advice I got was to just listen to her and let her talk.

If you speak correctly, your child will mimic you. I am sure that more is going on in her brain than she is saying. My daughter is twelve and still says this. Writing has been great for her, but her mind is still too fast for her.

In fourth grade, I was still worried about her "slow" reading. She was reading books way ahead of her grade level, but was on grade level for fluency. Her teacher read plays with her and had her tape herself reading. It turned out that she would get stuck on how to pronounce a word and completely stop. This is the perfectionist in her. Most of the words were Proper Nouns - usually odd names. Her teacher gave her permission to know the word and go on with the reading. This is something we do naturally, but she needed permission (and not from me).