These are all really great to hear! One of the things I worry about is that my DD20 months does not combine words that much. She does two word combos occasionally three and once in a while four. It seems with the large vocab. that she would combine more and I am not sure if that means there is something wrong. I know for her age she is fine but it seems that the large vocab. would almost force one to combine more.... I wonder if it is the articualtion issues and my not being able to understand her. I also wonder if it is that I usually know what she wants prior to her having to say to much and she has gotten use to me "intuiting" what she wants. In other words she can point and get what she wants. Plus she has been using vocalization intonations like grunts, that vary in pitch etc. to tell me what she wants from a really small being. I am not that auditory myself and it took me awhile to distinguish the different pitches and what they meant. Anyone else have a large vocab and not so many combos? I am really glad that you are out there!