Thank-you for your response...How is the hypotonia? Did he grow out of it? How does/did sports go for him? My little one started walking around 13 1/2 months but she had pt from about 5 months on. However, the pt was really hard for me because they pushed her and I did not like that. the final session was when they tried really hard to make her go down a slide. I had been working with her on slides outside of therapy and was not having any trouble with it and they almost ruined it for her because they pushed and she was scared. So I continue to work with her. Her upper body strength seems to be the most affected so we set up games where she has to crawl or do things to put weight on the front but it is not pushed and if she does not want to then thats fine. The weather has warmed here and we are going out alot and playing at various play grounds and that helps alot! I think her poor articulation hinders her in doing more complex sentence structures because I just can not understand her. I have worked with the Deaf and hard of hearing for a long time and am use to poor articulation. I just don't have the memory though to remember all the different nuances etc. gtg she wants juice...thanks again!