My DD now 12 nursed till she was almost 4 1/2. I originally thought I would quit at 2 or that we would quit at 2. At 2 the playgroup got ROTO (not sure how to spell it) virus and everyone was very sick! At the time they had stopped giving the vacine for some reason. Anyways of the 13 or so kids, the ones that were nursing stayed out of the hospital and the other kids ended up with dehydration. One parent happened to be nursing a wee baby and her I think he was three or so weaned toddler took it back up again so he did not end up needing to go to the hospital. That was a deciding factor for me and let her nurse till she was done. Solstice of her fourth year we built a bon fire with a bunch of people and wrote things on birch bark to burn what we were ready to let go of. She put nursing on hers... I kinda dropped my jaw as I was surprised. I mean I knew it was coming but there it was...