Just want to say (confirming what others have said) that you should do what you feel comfortable with. My DS weaned at 3.2 months - he probably would have happily gone on for another few months but I was done at that point -like many relationships it is give and take and involves 2 parties. We nightweaned him at 2.5 years (which was yucky and painful but necessary for us due to sleep deprivation) and we used a trip to Disneyworld to help us wean (he was so tired and happy from seeing things he kind of forgot about it) - we were down to only before nap and bedtime so it worked for us.

The point is, do what works for you and don't worry about what anyone else thinks, does, etc!

I never would have been able to follow the advice above if not for some ground breaking women who counseled me (my aunt and mother in law) who nursed back in the day when most didn't (my aunt's doctor told her that her breasts were too small to feed her son with initially!) and told me that every child was different and to follow the child. Thank goodness for that advice.

I do think gifted kids are different and I am not shocked that so many G/T kids were extended breastfed - it just makes sense to me. I would love to see a study on this!

Good luck! Cat