Great advice so far but I'd thought I'd share my experience for good measure smile

My DS self-weaned at 13 months. There was no fussing, he just looked at me one morning and said "No. Bottle." I was saddened at the time, but it really was so simple. He happily drank milk from a bottle and he always liked his pacifier, which we made disappear shortly after his self-weaning. He also had almost no separation anxiety, which was something of a blessing while I was working. I mention these things because the nursing experience with my DD was very different, much more like the way you describe Hanni's.

I stopped work when DD was born and I really struggled to get to the stage of day feeds only with her - she was SO determined! She never took a pacifier or sucked her thumb and wouldn't even look at a bottle. She was, and still is, very clingy. When she was nearing her 2nd birthday earlier this year, I had to go on a trip alone so DH and I decided that it was time to wean. I didn't want to exacerbate her separation anxiety by making her go 'cold turkey' when I left, so we started 2 weeks before. At snack time (immediately preceding her usual BF) I introduced a special drink in a new special cup. In our house, a special drink for the kids is just plain old fruit juice. After she'd eaten her snack and had her drink, instead of nursing, I scooped her up and we had cuddles, kisses and tickles - lots of close body contact. She noticed, tried to nurse and asked why she couldn't, to which I simply said "Lucky you've had your special drink so now we can cuddle/tickle/dance because its so much fun!". The first few days were tricky, but honestly, the hardest part was just being firm about our decision to wean. I thoroughly enjoyed nursing both my children so some of my worry about the weaning process definitely stemmed from my regret that this chapter was coming to an end.

FWIW, DD's little snack time routine is still a standing arrangement around here... Only difference is that she has decided DS, DH and I should all be involved in the fun!

Best of luck to you both, whatever you decide to do smile