
Clocks and timers have been helpful for us too since the "authority" is a third party in a sense. My DD often acts like a spastic two year old around kids her age and younger. She gets overly excited and then can spin out of control. She doesn't hurt anyone, just gets too loud, too rambunctious, etc. When I said she didn't get social cues, it was more that she would come on too strong and not back off when it was clear that she was over-stepping bounds. She also can be too touchy and not understand that other children may need space. She is better around older kids and adults. We met a nice 6 year old at the library yesterday and the older girl showed her a computer game and it was so nice to see how she interacted with her. We just don't know many kids who are older than she is. Does your DD have very many regular playmates? My DD is very extroverted and theatrical, and most of her alone play involves acting out scenarios and making up stories.