Originally Posted by Azuil
Thank you Grinity so much for your response! She does read nowadays...voraciously!
But what is she reading? Cat in the Hat? Magic Tree House? Harry Potter? This gives you a rough idea how much trouble fun you are in for...

Read up on unschooling - I hope that no one who doesn't want to homeschool ever has to, but it is good to know that homeschool doesn't have to be reproducing school at home, with you as the fountain of wisdom and all that headbanging.

Gradeskips have their disadvantages, but a gradeskip at the local public school is easier on the wallet and the odometer than private schools for some kids. IQ testing would be good - read 'Iowa Acceleration Scale Manual' for more info while you look for a tester.

Did you join your state gifted association? That might be a good network to find out about testers and school and school districts and saturday enrichment programs.

You say that you and DH had some bad experiences with being identified as gifted - what happened? It is good to start sorting through the old baggage as you start to make decisions for your children. Posting here is as good a way as any!

Love and More Love,

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