She won't qualify for YSP. And that's okay, since she's happy right now, right? Testing, hmmm. All I can say, is that word processing speed was low. Not a surprise. She's extremely deliberate, and the tester noted that she took sheer pleasure in taking her time and discerning pattern and appeared to enjoy the process with little to no concern in the time factor. Her scores in Verbal were 16, 14, and 10. Verbal comprehension, surprisingly to me, was a low point. However, living in a rural community with no TV, my understanding is that her score may reflect her environment. Perceptual reasoning, she completed all material in Matrix reasoning, hence the 19. As well as 16 in picture concepts. Again all being pulled down by an average score on block design, which is no surprise. She's never been a gifted puzzle kid. And word processing, well...she was just not at ALL interested in time and thoroughly enjoying herself, which doesn't score so well.

As far as not being taught in the regular classroom, I think that depends on where you live. I think a skilled teacher in a regular classroom would be great. I think a gifted classroom would be great, even with the scatter of scores. I'm just working with what I have...NONE of the above. that case, I'm homeschooling right now. The future may hold different, who knows.

Additionally, she's gotten a lot of negative messages about school. She's an 4th grade reader in a kindergarten classroom, interested in Greek mythology and reading enclyclopedias about dogs and horses. She has interests that our outside the box! She's extremely creative,a energetic. I suppose this test just led me to give her more of what she love naturally and isn't able to do at school right now.....LOVE LEARNING!

Thanks for all who have input! I find it all utterly fascinating. I equally enjoy reading everyone elses stories as well. Kids are incredible!

Crazy Daisy