It's certainly possible to diagnose children with dyslexia before the age of 7; I can think of two off-hand who've been diagnosed at 6. The insistence on your son reading aloud at a certain speed seems rather rigid especially given that he's getting speech services! Do you at least get a report that points out that that was what stopped him reaching the higher standard? I've never heard of slow reading aloud (as opposed to slow reading) being particularly a problem with dyslexia, indeed, one dyslexic I knew used to read aloud much later than other people because it helped him keep the words straight, he said - he could do that fine but found reading in his head hard. OTOH, from the little I know about dyspraxia I would guess that that could be a factor, and actually it wouldn't surprise me if it explained the backwards words as well. Obviously you need an expert, though, and that's not me... I hope one will be along shortly.

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