
Hence my concern that they will not subject accelerate him. However, they do have testing that he is gifted. They do know that his teacher thinks he is ready for 3rd grade work. They do know that he entered first knowing almost all of the 1st grade curriculum. And they do know that both we and his teacher feel that the "enrichment" activities aren't enough.

What I don't know is if 191 is at the 50th percentile for 2nd graders in this district. We have a largely lower middle class community with a large portion of students being english-language learners, so it wouldn't entirely suprise me if 191 is a higher percentile score in this district.

Does it matter that he got this score without ever having formally been taught math (or almost anything academic, for that matter!)? Imagine how he would do if he had actually been taught something this year!

Also, FWIW, I'm not sure that he doesn't know more math than the test would indicate, based on what I see and what he talks about at home. But, I understand that the test is what it is and I won't argue that point.

Last edited by mnmom23; 05/04/10 05:12 PM.

She thought she could, so she did.