That's kind of what we did with my DD. Last year she was in 2nd grade in the afternoon, but was subject accelerated to 3rd for the entire morning (math, reading, writing, art, and gym). This year she is in 4th full-time and it couldn't have worked out better. It was a great transition. DS is at the same place reading-wise as DD was at the end of first, and ahead of where she was math-wise, but for some reason we're not comfortable with grade-skipping DS. I'm not sure why. He does great with older kids (one of his regular playmates is our almost 12-year-old neighbor) and almost all his best friends in his class are more than a year older than him. So, it's not that. He does talk a little unclearly, though, especially his l's at the end of words (e.g., fall, ball, will, etc.), so I don't know if that's subconsciously playing into our thoughts of a subject acceleration only. DD was so great at following rules and not causing trouble that it was easy to imagine her skipping a grade, but DS isn't quite the rule-follower in that way; he is a 6 year old boy. On the other hand, that could indicate a skip is in order. I somehow CAN get my mind around skipping him when he is older, though. I don't know -- I've thought alot about why there is difference in how we feel about DS, but I just can't put my finger on it.

Last edited by mnmom23; 05/04/10 03:53 PM.

She thought she could, so she did.