I suspect there is a range, just like in the general population but -- deep thinkers may not always look that way. My son looks like a goofball (especially to me, but then, I see him all the time!), but also comes out with some pretty heavy concepts that he has thought about. When did he do this thinking? Who knows? But remember the term GIGO? (Garbage in, garbage out.) If you ask one child a question and get a deep answer, doesn't mean the next deep thinking child will give you more than a superficial answer. My son might be inclined to answer something humorously. Or be focused on something else at the moment, and not give you an thought-out answer. Or with you, and blow your mind away. Or not.

I have seen many signs of gifted (not all, of course) showing signs of caring, but not all the time. And if you are looking at kids, they can be caring and act like jerks on occasion, too. They are still kids!