Trinity you asked <<1) have your run across high levels of deep thinking, feeling, and caring in people with IQ levels below 130?>>

I would have to say yes. Even though both my children and my husband have IQ's above 130, I am borderline with 129 (according to an on-line trial Mensa test). I never ever considered myself cognitively gifted probably because I did not shine in school. Language was my strength, math, physics and chemistry terrible weaknesses. I don't think I could even pass a college algebra class here unless I am more open to learning such concepts now that I'm older (I have a foreign higher vocational degree in journalism and college math was not a requirement).
My parents were both very caring, very sensitive but not of high (over 130) intelligence. Above average for sure and because of that high sensitive nature they were in my opinion anyway very gifted! That's why it would be interesting to see how sensitivity is spread out in people according to IQ.

I do agree with you that when socio-emotional needs are met in early life maybe more kids with high intelligence will keep their sensitive nature. Maybe school takes it out of many? On the other hand it seems possible that some people are born with a high speed brain but not necessarily with the enriching software to use on it. Maybe it is nurture (of home environment)that adds the caring component to nature (of genetic intelligence)?

"A mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled."