YOU are your own best advocate!!! remember, you hold a very valuable piece of information by having his WISC scores in hand. Don't back down, be polite, understanding, but willing to pursue on and fighting for your child needs. I too, was told.... I will do this and tha for your child but it just never seemed to be enough. Same thing... School's too easy, I don't learn anything new. Just keep at it, form a POSITIVE relationship with the faculty and over time, things will happen. It won't change over night. You are doing a great thing by not waiting until it's too late to help your child. I don't know that anything is the right answer to tell you. One school can promise you the world, then you get there and have it NOT be what you thought! When we started school I contacted our district gifted person and was promised the world..... then when I went to tour our local public school, they looked at me like I had 3 heads for wanted to see the school (I guess most people just GO there if that is where they are districted to go) and then I was flat out told "we don't do anything until 3rd grade. I don't know WHY they told you that!" UGH! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!