I second what Grinity said! My DC has the same problems with school. I was told 'wait til X grade as that is where they really differentiate" etc. Well, yes, they do.... BUT..... it's not enough! We are already in the GT classes but that only meets 2X a week for 30 min. The regular teacher works really hard to provide more challenging work to those who need it and for most kids, that works wonders, but it's still not enough for us. The "harder" work is still not enough of a challenge that we hear the daily complaints that it's too easy, why should I have to go when I already know everything. When DC went to the teacher and asked for even more challenging work, it worked, but not consistently. We considered a really expensive private school as well and then came to the conclusion of... why not get the current situation to work more for us and then use that as a "second option" if all else fails. So... we ultimately decided to research like crazy, prepare all our resources and call a meeting with the principal with not "what can we do" but... this is what we want (a grade skip) and to our surprise, we are not considering the "really expensive option" anymore. Another note... My current school has NEVER done a skip in there history so..... don't discredit that! Go in prepared, research backed, and show them what you've got! They might surprise you like our's did! In fact, they were excited about the idea I almost cried when they said LET'S DO THIS! Not only will it benefit my child but will benefit many people in our shoes down the road because now the ground work is being laid on behalf of the months of prepping and researching we did for the initial proposal.