Thank you both so much for your valuable insight and my apologies for taking so long to respond. bh14 your experience sounds similar to ours however we aren't considering a grade skip as we feel our DS is socially in the right place and wouldn't emotionally succeed if we skipped a grade or two. I am so happy for you that your school is willing to work with you to help your child be happy and succeed in school!

A quick update... DS loved the HG school, said "it was awesome! They are doing MY kind of work." He loved the math and computers and library and felt it would be a more challenging school. We received the letter stating he is on the wait list for this school. I had a feeling it would end up this way because we are asking for financial aid and I think they give families who pay full tuition top priority. I understand it is a business after all.

DS went to the more affordable school today and liked it. He felt the work they were doing was more challenging than his current school but not as hard as he'd like. He said the teacher would give him challenging work and felt that would be okay. The teacher spoke with my husband and told him right off the bat that our son is very advanced (we hadn't told her this beforehand) and we should consider testing. He shared what is up with his HG scores. She said the school curriculum isn't specific to gifted children but she would differentiate his education. They have had a number of gifted children who were very successful at the school.

We just want the best for our son and are really in a quandary. Do we go to this school? Look for another? Hope the HG school will accept him as a student? We could start the affordable school but I'd hate to start and then leave - it doesn't feel right.

Do either of you work with an advocate? I have heard they can be helpful.

Thank you again for your help and advice!