I've totally been there. When my DS was in the 9-10 month old range, he started with the tantrums, particularly the "going stiff as a board" style (and he is STRONG) when I tried to do things like buckle him into his carseat or stroller. I would talk about him having tantrums and people would sort of roll their eyes and say that babies that young don't have tantrums, and/or "if you think he's having tantrums now, just wait till the terrible twos!".
Previous posters have given great advice... What worked for me personally was a combination of the prevention stuff (not trying to get things accomplished when he was tired/hungry/bored/etc) and huge amounts of communication. I used a lot of tactics that people recommend for two-year-olds, like giving lots of warnings before we changed activities, explaining why we were doing things, and giving choices where both options were equally acceptable to me (red shirt or blue shirt, etc).
Also, I'd like to second the previous poster who said that if she's smart enough to throw tantrums this young, she's smart enough to move on to something else as soon as she's capable. This was my experience as well - despite all those dire predictions about the 'terrible' twos, my son has been increasingly pleasant, reasonable and generally easier in direct correlation to his increasing communication skills. He's 2.75 now and I've found the "twos" to be an absolute delight... I tend to tell people he had the "terrible zeroes" instead.