Originally Posted by Dottie
I think a big hallmark of 2E children is their inconsistency. Yes, they will often test lower overall, but I really think their biggest "fault" is that the data will vary so widely over time. My HG+ son has a few "bad eggs" in his testing resume, but for the most part...he just tests consistently well. My 2E daughter will often surprise me. She has been identified as having CAPD, and in hindsight...this totally explained her much lower VCI (than PRI). At the time, I said to myself "well, she's just not verbal". Well, in time....this is often her strength. She is probably not HG+ here, but she IS well over her initially tested score.

Scores and fluctuation do depend somewhat on the LD as well. I'm sure an ADHD child has a different profile than my CAPD child, but scatter and inconsistency are still things to watch for over time.

Dottie et al., We are currently in the process of testing DD7. I highly suspect both ADHD and CAPD. The school is doing the testing. My best guesstimate for her abilities is MG with brother HG+ and his testing also perhaps skewed by ADHD. I will be curious to see the scores and will share them when they come - I know nothing about the school tester so we shall see. This is an interesting thread and it reminds me to get all the pertinent data, subscores etc.