Zia's mom,

I am so sorry to hear what the school has to say. It seems like you have a few 'counter offers' to make the school.

1) enroll in a class with kids nearer to his handwriting age, and let him 'audit' all his academic subjects, so they don't feel pressured to give him a 'real 7th grade A' for work he is only partially doing. He can get pass or fail for his audit classes.

2) buy him a notebook computer for about 400$ and let him email his assignments to the teacher. It would hard for me to imagine a school where the teachers don't have email.

Some combination of #1 and #2.

3) Davidson Academy of Nevada. I have toured the facility and listened to their philosophy, and they make a very strong case for being uniquely able to meet the social and academic needs of PG kids. You can post questions on their Facebook group to hear from folks who are attending. Like any school, it hasn't pleased everyone, but many many families are so glad that they made the move.

Best Wishes,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com