Yeah, I'm more of a mix of stuff that's not clear. I don't really like labels either, and some kids fall outside of labels. For example, I have many traits of autism, but I can read facial expressions kinda ruling it out too. ADHD, I had lots of traits of that too, but as an adult I can concentrate pretty good, like my life is disorganized, lol. Childhood Bipolar is a little more likely with me because I ended up with adult bipolar, but even my current state is not typical bipolar! One book I read that was helpful was Kids in the Syndrome Mix. I picked it up from the library and it was a good read.
I mean I have spells I am normal currently, then suddenly all at once I develop delusions, hallucinations, very rapid mood changes, sensory overload and panic attacks. That all went away pretty much with medication. As a kid it was meltdowns that really did me in.
Good hearing for example is pretty cool, but when hearing is too good it's downright painful, you just want all noises to stop.
Just to give you an idea what I had to deal with, here are a couple of snippets from my childhood psych reports, as an adult, I was able to obtain these and show them to my mental health team to give them an idea of my past, but for some reason really doesn't mention my meltdowns so much, they seemed to be more concerned about hyperness and social skills.: