Hi Matmum,
I am (in typical introvert style), a lurker here and this is my first post. Thank you for posting this list. It was only on researching introversion in relation to my daughter that I found myself described so accurately! It was a revelation. We introverts have lots to offer - though I never knew - I always felt too intense, too slow with an answer (though often really content with my answer once I had one - because I would need time to consider all the angles) and too anti-social (though not really shy). It enabled me to find a much greater peace with myself and it has made it much easier for me not to worry about (and therefore accept) my daughter. This is just how we are and now that I know about it, I feel pretty happy with my lot (others not so much, as everyone wants an immediate response, feels slighted when I just can't do more than a couple of social events in a week etc).
Thanks for this list - I hadn't seen all of these