Originally Posted by JJsMom
Originally Posted by Catalana
Both my kids get Omega's - there are studies that suggest it decreases the incidence of bipolar and schizophrenia. Bipolar runs in my family and my DS is left handed, both of which are potentially related, so I feel like this is a tiny potential safeguard.

Really? Interesting.

It seems I need to make my own shopping list.

Just saw this old thread and wanted to just add this:

"In 1996, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a study comparing the prevalence of depression across ten nations. The survey yielded eye-opening results in showing how the lifetime and annual rates for depression vary widely from country to country (eg 1.5 in every 100 adults in Taiwan experience depression in their lifetimes while the figure is 19 for every 100 adults in Beirut). A 1998 study published in The Lancet compared this data with fish consumption, finding the higher consuming populations experienced less depression.

A 2003 study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry compared similar cross-national epidemiological data - this time involving bipolar disorder - and seafood consumption, again finding a strong correlation."
