We do really well with sleep. He gets 10 hours a night and it's very consistent with bedtime and wake-up times. After reading NurtureShock, I'm a lot more aware of the sleep the kids are getting and don't let bedtime get any later than we have to. That's tough whenever we have an activity at night though.

Funny thing with the Omega-3, ds6 doesn't like Coromega (I even tried giving him lemon-lime flavor today)... then I was grinding up flaxseed to put in our muffins and he asked for the ground flaxseed by itself and he loved it. I also make pancake mix from scratch and put a bunch of it in there. I'm not sure how beneficial flaxseed is compared to fish oil though since flaxseed apparently doesn't contain DHA and EPA?


This was interesting but not an unbiased source...
