My 11 year old son has been taking 1000 mg omega 3 fish oil softgel supplements for over a year now--the kind you can get at Wal-Mart. I just cut open the capsule and mix it with orange juice. He also takes a multivitamin.

He has some sensory issues and motor dyspraxia, but his musical theater teacher and choreographer noticed an improvement in everything--especially his timing and his ability to learn the dances quickly, and he seemed to have more self confidence. The only thing I didn't see an improvement in was his endurance. He still got tired faster than the other kids but he was able to compensate by focusing better on learning the dances. In a circuitry class he had no trouble at all with the wiring. He seemed to get better in piano even without practicing. But we were also working on some things at home that might have helped him.

Everything was getting better until he had to start wearing a hard plastic scoliosis brace that limits his mobility and is painful. It is harder for him to concentrate when he hurts and he is more sensitive to annoying sounds than he ever was and because of the pain, he tires even more quickly.