DS5 is a PG child who just started arm flapping occasionally. I have never ever noticed it before and it literally just started about a week and a half ago when a bunch of other kids were over at our house. He was clearly excited and overwhelmed with all the kids here. But he has been around tons of kids before and we had never noticed it. He was doing it tonight around the same group of kids, and then later with DH when they were building a contraption as he was anxiously awaiting to see if it worked. I have a background in children's mental health. While he had some traits when younger of sound sensitivities and used to spin a lot when he was younger, he really doesn't have any other symptoms that are on the spectrum at all. So we are at a loss as to what is going on. We don't want to be overlooking something if there is something else going on. He is a quirky (and amazing) child, but has no perseverations/obsessions. He doesn't get stuck on any topics. HE is good about changes in routine for the most part. He is extroverted and loves being around peers. He often initiates in conversations and asks other people about what they think and feel about things. He doesn't completely relate to peers because he hasn't had a lot of peers. HE also has issues in school with behavior at times. So now we are confused as to what is going on. Any others with arm flapping and was it separate from a diagnosis on the spectrum, or along with it?