I find DS6 isn't one to push himself either, I think it's a perfectionism thing and I can understand how frustrating it is. It also has led me to doubt whether the gifted thing is really there but I do see it when he wants to.

On the science note he loves, loves, loves The Magic School Bus books, he's been into them since he's turned four. He's also a science fiend which has been frustrating for kindergarten since they have very little science. The MSB books come at different levels from phonics readers to chapter books. What we've read the most are the ones in between. He'd sit for ours and listen to those things. I can't recommend them enough, especially for a science lover. You could get him the leveled readers or you could read him the TV books or the classic books, which are the original books and more in depth.

My son did read early but he resits because he's intimidated. I think kids, boys especially, are nervous about having too many words on a page. I think it's a perfectionism thing, they're afraid they can't read that many words and hesistate to try. My son has been able to read chater books for a good year now but he doesn't because he sees the extra words.